1. Claudio Bidino
  2. Bruno Fernandes Carvalho

Claudio Bidino


Holding over ten years of experience in the practice of criminal law, Claudio Bidino was a lawyer and a partner in two well-known law firms specialized in corporate criminal law.

Mr. Bidino received his Bachelor’s Degree in Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ).

He also holds a Master Degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice from the University of Oxford (England).

In addition, he holds a Master Degree in Criminal Law and a Postgraduate Degree in Economic and European Criminal Law, both from the University of Coimbra (Portugal).

Mr. Bidino has attended other renowned courses around the world, such as the Extension Course on Corporate Criminal Law at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), the Summer Course on International Criminal Law at the University of Leiden (Netherlands), the Course on Fundamental Problems in Criminal Law and Procedural Criminal Law at the University of Gottingen (Germany) and the Specialized Course on Corruption, Organized Crime and Terrorism at the University of Salamanca (Spain).

Moreover, he has been a professor of the Postgraduate Course on Corporate Law at the Brazilian Institute of Capital Market (IBMEC-RJ), of the Postgraduate Course on Criminal Sciences at the Institute for Education and Research of the District Attorney’s Office of the State of Rio de Janeiro, of the Extension Course on Compliance at the University Cândido Mendes and of the Criminal Litigation Course at the Superior Advocacy School of the BAR Association of Rio de Janeiro (OAB/RJ).

Claudio Bidino is the author of books, academic articles and legal opinions published both in Brazil and abroad. Amongst these, one in particular stands out: A book entitled “Corruption – Reflections (from the law, doctrine and jurisprudence) about its expanding legal regime in Brazil and Portugal”, This book was written in co-authorship with Cláudia Cruz Santos, a Professor at the University of Coimbra, and with Débora Thaís de Melo, a Brazilian Judge.

Mr. Bidino is a permanent foreign collaborator of the Portuguese Journal of Criminal Science, as well as being a member of institutes such as the Criminal Law Commission of the Brazilian Lawyers’ Institute, the Brazilian Criminal Sciences Institute, the British Society of Criminology and the American Society of Criminology.

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Bruno Fernandes Carvalho


Bruno Fernandes has acquired his expertise through working in a well-known law firm specialized in corporate criminal law. On top of this, he has previously dedicated himself to Rio de Janeiro’s public sector in different departments, both in the legislative and executive branches of government.

Presently, Mr. Fernandes is also a dedicated professor of numerous significant programs, such as: Criminal Compliance in the Postgraduate Program at the Brazilian Institute of Capital Market (IBMEC-RJ), Criminal Procedure at EMERJ (School of Magistrates of the State of Rio de Janeiro), Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Group of PUC/Rio, Negotiation at the Institute of Management Engineering (IEG), Criminal Law in Extension Course and Compliance in Capital Market of the Postgraduate Program of the State of University of Rio de Janeiro).

He is the author of the book titled “Criminal Compliance – An analysis regarding the fundamental aspects”, which consists of a handbook on criminal compliance, with the goal of analyzing the institute according to the Brazilian, American, English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Chilean and Argentinian law, doctrine and jurisprudence.

Mr. Fernandes holds a Master’s Degree in Criminal Law from the University of Coimbra (Portugal).

Furthermore, he is specialized in Criminal Law and Criminal Compliance by European Institute of Corporate Criminal Law of the University of Coimbra (Portugal).

He obtained his Bachelor’s Degree in Law through the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ), with emphasis in criminal law.

Mr. Fernandes has also participated in courses such as: Extension Course of International Criminal Law at the University of Oxford (England), Extension Course of Criminal Investigation and Criminal Lawsuits in the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV - Brazil), Course of Concepts of Tax Law in the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV – Brazil), Extension Course of Fashion Law – Intellectual Property of Fashion at the Brazilian Institute of Capital Market (IBMEC-RJ) and in the Extension Course of Electoral Law at the Superior Advocacy School of the Brazilian Bar Association.

Other achievements include:

  • Graduated from Colégio Santo Inácio.
  • Worked as a Public Security Counselor in the Security Secretary of the State of Rio de Janeiro
  • Worked as a Conciliator of the Rio de Janeiro’s Court of Justice.
  • Currently being a member of the Tourism Commission of the Brazilian Bar Association.

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