
Claudio Bidino

Boletim do Instituto Brasileiro de Ciências Criminais, Ano 26, N. 312,  Novembro/2018 The Suspension of the Criminal Persecution Due to the Tax Credit Installment: Comment on the Superior Court of Justice’s Decision on the RESP nº 1.647.917/AM

(Bulletin of the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences, Year 26, N. 312, November 2018)

Claudio Bidino

Crimes de Gestão Fraudulenta e Gestão Temerária: Parecer sobre o Projeto de Lei nº 262/2015 Crimes of Fraudulent Management and Temerarious Management of Financial Institutions: Legal Opinion on the House of Representatives’ Bill nº 262/2015

(Criminal Law Commission of the Brazilian Lawyers’ Institute, October 2018)

Claudio Bidino e Bruno Fernandes Carvalho

Reflexões sobre o Crime de Impedir ou Embaraçar Investigação de Organização Criminosa Reflections on the Crime of Preventing or Embarrassing Criminal Investigation of Organized Crime

(Bulletin of the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences, Year 26, N. 309, August 2018)

Claudio Bidino

Boletim do Instituto Brasileiro de Ciências Criminais, Ano 24, N. 82, Maio/2016The Criminalization of the Criminal Advocacy and the Senate’s Bill nº 500/2015

(Bulletin of the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences, Year 24, N. 82, May/2016)

Claudio Bidino

Revista Portuguesa de Ciência Criminal, N. 25, 2015Criminal Responsibility of Legal Entities in Brazil and the Theory of the Necessary Double Charging: Commentaries on the Brazilian Supreme Court’s Decision on the RE 548.181.

(Portuguese Journal of Criminal Science, N. 25, 2015)

Claudio Bidino

Boletim do Instituto Brasileiro de Ciências Criminais, Ano 23, N. 266, Janeiro/2015Annotation on the Brazilian Supreme Court’s Judgement of the RE 548.181

(Bulletin of the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences, year 23, N. 266, January/2015)

Claudio Bidino

Revista Brasileira de Ciências Criminais, N. 110, 2014Media, Crime and Criminal Justice in the United States of America: The Inefficacy of Existing Judicial Mechanisms in Preventing the Pernicious Influence of the Media on Jurors in High Profile Criminal Cases

(Brazilian Magazine of Criminal Sciences, nº 110, 2014)

Claudio Bidino

Boletim do Instituto Brasileiro de Ciências Criminais, Ano 22, N. 254, Janeiro/2014The initial term of the satute of limitations on the executory pretension and the oscillating jurisprudence of the Superior Tribunals

(Bulletin of the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences, year 22, N. 254, January/2014)

Claudio Bidino (em coautoria com Cláudia Cruz Santos e Débora Thaís de Melo)

Boletim do Instituto Brasileiro de Ciências Criminais, Ano 20, N. 231, Fevereiro/2012The problem involving drug use and the problems of using criminal resources to avoid its use

(Bulletin of the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences, year 20, N. 231, February/2012).

Claudio Bidino (em coautoria com Cláudia Cruz Santos e Débora Thaís de Melo)

Direito Penal Econômico - Questões AtuaisNotes about the Corruption involving Public Agents in Portugal and in Brazil

(“Corporate Criminal Law – Current questions”, Alberto Silva Franco and Rafael Lira Organization, Editora Revista dos Tribunais, 2011)

Claudio Bidino

The Specific Problem of Corruption in the Private Sector (in Brazil and in Portugal)

((“Corruption – Law, doctrine and jurisprudential reflections, about the criminal-legal regime in expansion on Brazil and on Portugal”, Cláudia Cruz Santos, Claudio Bidino and Débora Thaís de Melo, Coimbra Editora, 2009)

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